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SunnyDate: Friday, 24.07.2009, 16:41 | Message # 1
Bizarre Star
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 182
Reputation: 4
Status: Offline
Special Strify's interview for Official Russian Strify Support [International]
1. What events, which have occurred to you recently, were the brightest ?
The whole release of the album is bloody exciting!
2.Which impressions remain you after a trip in the USA ?
I really liked it there and I love to work there aswell.
3. Are you going to receive sometime a higher education ? If yes, would they be in the musical area ?
I haven't thought about that. But I'm quite interested in arts and psychology.
4. Did you ever think in your childhood that you will become a celebrity ?
I never wanted to become a celebrity, I wanted to become a singer.
5. Would you like to have an oppportunity to hear everything, what other people think for a day sometime ? Could you live with this force ?
Hell no! I wouldn't wanna know what people think if I had that choice. Life would be boring.
6. Do you like your style ? Would you like to change or add it ? :)
I think I change it from time to time.
7. Say one word you would to characterise yourself =)
8. How do you plan to celebrate your birthday ?
I'm working. I'll have some drinks when the day is over.
9. Which concerts did you visit last time ?
Lady GaGa.
10. What was the brightest event which has occured to you during the trip in Russia ?
Getting the gold award in Moscow for Final Attraction was very honouring!
11. Say 3 words how you would characterise your new album
Rollercoaster, melancholy, power
12. What is your favorite song from ToyZ ?
I just love the album as a whole thing.
13. What kind of music we will hear in toyZ ? And which songs from ToyZ will suprise the fans really ?
Out of Love and I don't wanna know might surprise some people.

1. Какие из событий, произошедших в последнее время, были для тебя наиболее значительными?
Весь процесс выхода нового альбома просто взбудоражил мне кровь!
2. Какие у тебя остались впечатления от тура по США?
Мне действительно всё понравилось, и мне было приятно там работать.
3. Ты собираешься продолжить свое обучение в высшем учебном заведении? Если да, выберешь ли ты музыкальную сферу?
Я даже не задумывался над этим. Но мне очень интересны области искусства и психологии.
4. Ты когда-либо задумывался в детстве, что хотел бы стать знаменитостью?
Я никогда не хотел быть знаменитым, я хотел быть певцом.
5. Хотел бы ты на один день обрести способность слышать всё, о чём думают люди? Смог бы ты жить с этим даром?
Боже, нет! Я бы не за что не хотел слышать, что думают другие люди, если бы у меня был выбор. Жизнь тогда бы стала скучной.
6. Тебе нравится твой стиль? Хотел ли бы ты что-то изменить или как-то подкорректировать его?
Я думаю, что я изменяюсь время от времени.
7. Охарактеризуй себя одним словом.
8. Как ты планируешь отмечать свой ДР?
Я весь в работе. В конце дня быть может выпью немного:)
9. На чьём концерте ты недавно был?
Lady GaGa.
10. Какое самое запоминающиеся событие осталось у тебя в памяти после поездки в Россию?
Было очень почётно получить золотой диск за альбом Final Attraction.
11. В трёх словах охарактеризуй новый альбом.
Альбом похож на аттракцион американские горки-много резких перепадов, также меланхоличен...а местами полон энергии.
12. Твоя любимая песня с альбома ToyZ?
Я люблю весь альбом как целостное произведение.
13. Какую музыку мы услышим на новом альбоме? И какие песни по настоящему удивят фанатов?
Я думаю, что Out of Love и I don't wanna know могут действительно удивить наших поклонников.

Да здравствует раздвоение личности - кратчайший путь к душевному равновесию! :D
SunnyDate: Wednesday, 29.07.2009, 19:02 | Message # 2
Bizarre Star
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 182
Reputation: 4
Status: Offline

Mother said, that I was terribly curios child and always asked lots of questions. Nevertheless, I didn’t enter into relations with my school. In some moment I became so tired and left off this f*****cking school and began working up here and there.

Fame is a heavy thing. Once upon a time during the tour in France we left a car and it seemed to us for the first second that we will go crazy, because we didn’t expect to see such number of screaming people!!!

I began to use make up at the age of 13. But I did it rather decently. My mom wasn’t against it, she always considered, that make up becomes me. But my father was terribly furious! He considered, that it’s unworthy for a real man.

I always was a little bit self-centred . I can’t say that I am totally selfish, but my own personality is very important to me. Because of this part of my character some people think that I have star fever. Also since my childhood I was a convinced recusant, always hated generally accepted rules. Rules is a bullshit!

There is no surprise, that if we wear make up and don’t look like the usual men, many consider that we are gays… It seems to me, that this is a personal matter for each! Often very funny situations happen. For example, sometimes I am asked to leave the WC - they think, I am a girl, ha-ha-ha!

Between us there should be a sparkle. Electric current – do you understand what I mean? Dream girl should realize what part for me plays extravagance. Also I always pay attention on lips. Yes-yes, lips is my weakness. I am a real lip fetishist! - бесплатный хостинг фотографий

Да здравствует раздвоение личности - кратчайший путь к душевному равновесию! :D
SunnyDate: Monday, 24.08.2009, 12:43 | Message # 3
Bizarre Star
Group: Администраторы
Messages: 182
Reputation: 4
Status: Offline
Exclusive Interview with Strify for "All Stars" (Russia) #18(266) 2009

It coincided, that this edition of “All Stars” magazine and the new album “ToyZ” of Cinema Bizarre will be released at the same day in Russia. We connected on the phone with the leader of the group Strify and asked him some questions.

Strify, why does the album have such title? Why “ToyZ”?
I think, all people like to play. The question is in that, with what and whom you play. This title has a double meaning. From the one hand, toys is something very childish. Naïve and innocent. But adults have their own games: very often unfair and dirty. They play with money, power and sex. Everybody has own secrets, and a person plays to conceal it from people. In the title of the album both these meanings are implied.

Did you have favorite toys in your childhood?
Yes, it was “Lego”.

And now what do you like to play?
Most of all I am interested in different technical things. For example, heaped mobiles.

Did you put off the release of “ToyZ” because of that story with “My Obsession”?
Yes. This song should become the first single from the album. But it happened, that it fell into Internet before the release at the disc. And we had to find a replacement. In the end the first single became the song “I came 2 party”, combined work with Space Cowboy. We needed time to make a video and all that stuff.

Are you satisfied by the album?
Yes, sure. It was a challenge for us. We had to stand by our style. But at the same time, we didn’t want to make “Final Attraction” № 2. In my opinion, we coped with a task well. At the new disc our development is evident.

What does the new album differ from the debut one?
It’s heavier. In pop and rock parts. There are dance tracks and there are very rock ones. We made a lot of experiments with the sound. We made the album with a sight for performance on the stage. Playing alive songs from the debut CD, we realized, that not every number from the studio will be good for the stage. The new album is more “ scenic”.

Well, we’ll see. And the titles of some songs sound designing. For example, “Je ne regrette rien” (I regret about nothing). Does this song have only French title or do you really sing in French language there?
Yes, I sing in French. This is one of my favorite languages. Texts are important for me like a music. At first, this song had German text. Then we decided to sing it in French. It was magical!

And what about “Tears In Vegas”? Did some of you happen to shed tears in Las Vegas?
No. We have never been there. This city is a symbol, which associated by everybody with risky games, with boisterous life, where everything is shinning. We decided to show another picture, adding there some melancholy. The new bright, shinning world came in, where somebody cries. Vehemence and sadness are together.

Here is one more riddle: “Hypnotized by Jane”. Who is this mysterious Jane?
We didn’t mean a concrete girl. It can be any girl, who hypnotized you.

But not any girl has the name Jane.
(Laughing). Yes, but you shouldn’t apprehend everything so literally.

May be you should make an album of songs with girlish names? “Hypnotized by Ann”, “Hypnotized by Katherine” and etc…
Of course, such titles is a very good commercial course. But the whole album… I’m afraid, it would be boring.

May be you are right. The new single was released, soon will be released the album. What will be further? The tour?
Yes, The Europe, including, of course, Russia, America And etc…

When will you come to Russia?
The exact dates are not named yet. Somewhere in autumn.

By the way,Russia is lashed by “German wave”. Many music lovers listen to your group, Tokio Hotel, Panik, LaFee, Aloha From Hell and other groups from Germany. Can you explain this epidemic interest to young German groups?
In Germany there are really lots of interesting groups. Young music lovers find for themselves lots of interesting singers in the Internet, even if they have no albums. It happened to us. Our debut CD was released at first only in Germany. But thanks to the Internet, appeared a lot of fans from Russia,France,America and other countries.

I wonder, what relations are between you and Tokio Hotel, for example? Are you friends? Rivals? Or are you just colleagues?
M-m-m… I think, we are colleagues. Every does serious work. We have nothing for being rivals: who will win? We respect them and that, what they do.

Don’t you have a thought, that Cinema Bizarre is the coolest one?
( Laughing). May be our fans have such thought. If you thing so, thank you for the compliment!

What do you think about such old German groups as Haloween, Scorpions, Rammstein?
I treat them kindly. Rammstein is one of the most my favorite groups.

Who are your idols?
When I was a little boy, I listened to a lot of r’n’b, Michael Jackson. I like and always liked artists, who gives much attention for visual part. For example, David Bowie, Adam Ant, Grace Jones. That, what they do gives me great inspiration.

We can feel it by songs of Cinema Bizarre. Finally, say some words for your Russian fans.
I love our Russian fans very much and always come to Russia with great pleasure. Hope, see you soon!

Да здравствует раздвоение личности - кратчайший путь к душевному равновесию! :D
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