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Main » 2009 » January » 27 » 27.01.2009 #3 (251) 2009 "All Stars"
27.01.2009 #3 (251) 2009 "All Stars"

“Virtual Support-why not?”

What is actually “support”? About this tell us Jane, the owner of the Official Russian Kiro Support [International] PD and she is also the admin of the website

Everyone has his own business

Do the artists need supports? I can`t speak for everyone…But I’m sure, that Kiro likes his Russian support, `cause he can see all photos, which fans send to my support. He know everything about popularity of the group in Russia (it is all very important for him, `cause he loves Russia very much). Fans have also possibility to send me their fan arts (drawings of the boys, wallpapers etc), fans can also see all photos from concerts and photo shootings…and they can also show their own photos from “meet & greet”, and they can be in the centre of the events around CB and their life. I also give possibility to fans to ask their questions to Kiro. They send it to me, I choose the best and the funniest questions and send them than to Kiro…After it all the interview is available on my support. And one more thing: My support helps everybody, who lives not in Moscow, to get the tickets for the concerts of CB in Russia.

What does “Support” mean?

One part of the admins make their supports from the name of the whole group or one of the members, the other part make it just from their own interest, just “for their own”. In the first case, the admin works with the artist and is the connecting between fans and celebrity has the “official” status and works together with management of the group. By the way, the manager of CB, Eric Burton, knows everything about Russian mass media and what they write and say about CB…And he gives his permission for collaboration of boys with different magazines. (There are a plenty of supports, which only say, that they “official”, but they do nothing. They just talk about the latest facts from the Life of CB. And I wouldn`t say, that they are official).

Why do I keep on supporting?

It is difficult to say. I just wanted to do smth for this group, which was for me the unique one. I didn`t think, that it will be so serious for me, that my support will be so popular. Firstly it was only Russian support, but now it is international one. I have some ideas now, for example to do some competitions and the winners will receive the autographs from the group. But now I want to keep it in secret.

We need different supports!

I receive more than 300 messages during the day. It is very interesting, but in all corners of the world people knows about CB. It is a pity, but I can`t constantly write with everyone. But I’m trying to answer everyone. During the year I have found the real friends…Especially they are from Russia, Latvia, Czech and Germany. Kiro has a plenty of supports in every land…But I want especially say about his german official FC. Than it is important for me to say some words about Official Russian Luminor Support ~Winter Light~. Luminor is not the part of CB now, but the fans still love him and want to know everything about him. So this support keeps on working. One more special support is the Official Russian CB Street Team-they do the giant work. And with the Official Czech Street Team is very pleasant to communicate and to work together. For the fans of Yu I will say a couple of words about Official Latvian Yu Support – she makes great work, for example u can find on her support interviews with Yu, which she has also made with the help of Latvian fans.

Views: 742 | Added by: Sunny
Total comments: 5
5 Sweet_Kiro_Love  
kiro i love you

4 ineSSSka  
Киро супер! Сайт лучший! happy

3 Desire  
Hiiiii! I've been here a while ago. Oh, I know this watermark!
Yes, a translation would be nice. But I understood some words, a friend of mine said what it's all about...

2 Jane  
Wait plz. I will add the translation soon.....

1 Iren  
Oh my God!!!!!
Jane is superstar!
But give us translation of whole article please.

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