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Main » 2009 » June » 29 » "ALL STARS" magazine (Russia) # 14 (262) 2009 - Our exclusive interview...
"ALL STARS" magazine (Russia) # 14 (262) 2009 - Our exclusive interview...

1. First question will be about your new album. Can u tell us about it? Why it is called ‘’Toyz’’? Who plays with whom? Who plays the main role? What can u say about it. 
Strify: We have many faces. And we are showing a lot of faces on the album. U can see a very rock-side of us, u can see a very pop side of us. A soft side and a hard side. The album shows the album full of melancholy and this is our world.
2. It is very interesting for us-what about toyz in your childhood? May be u keep them till now?
Kiro: I played mostly with cars and Barbies.
Strify: I was very playfull. I think that u can play with everything. It is important to find in the toy something special. Something, which can be interesting.
3. Tell us about your impressions from the USA tour.
Strify: USA tour was the great experience for us. USA is a very big country. It was very important for us to play concerts there, ..cause it is such great opportunity for the band from Germany. Not everyone can have so great luck as we! I think? That during these 6 weeks we have learned a lot. It was unforgettable time for us!
4. Do u feel some changes in yourself after your return?
Strify: Of course we do…But these changes are connected not only with USA tour. When u make some steps forward in your life, u will feel changes. 
5. Now u are again in Russia. Do u still remember some Russian words?
Kiro: Wodka (laughing together)
Strify: I can say “Na zdrovye”
Kiro: Privet, Kak dela, Menja zovut Kiro,Poka 
6. Kiro, u seems to know a lot of Russian bands and singers. 
Kiro: Oh, yes. (smiling)I know Tatu, Dima Bilan, BiS, Serebro, Sergey Lazarev, Vlad Topalov,Nato…Well,who else? Reflex,Hi-Fi…
Strify: I know just Tatu and Dima Bilan as the winner the Eurovision Song Contest.
7. By the way, have u seen Eurovision Song Contest in Moscow this year?
Kiro: I saw some videos, for example with Tatu.
Strify: Lena looked as Sailor Moon from the anime.
Kiro: But to be honest we hadn..t so much time to watch it…We were in tour.
8. It..s clear. Do u know some Russian movies?
Strify: I have seen only “ The night watch”….and also I know the movie “Gorky park”…Is it Russian or no?
It..s American movie!
Strify: Than only “The night watch”.
9. What about your hobbys?
Kiro: We like clubbing a lot, to be with our friends, to go shopping. Sometimes we are watching DVD all together.
10. Have u enough time for your family?
Kiro: Family is very important for every one of us. But i haven..t seen my family for a half a year. But if I have free time I try to spend it with my family.
11. Do u have any special wishes in your rider?
Strify: Nothing special. Just common things. Something to drink, something to eat. Something, which can give u comfort feelings when u are not at home. Some chocolate, some fruits, some wodka(laughing).
12. The next question will be interesting for all fans: Why Shin is always so silent? Does he really so quiet or it is just a vision?
Kiro: (laughing)…Shin is so calm and silent only in presence of journalists. When they are gone, he shows his real “I”.(Kiro laughs and make some active movements with hands, showing us real Shin).He is very energetic boy!
13. Do u want to make some projects with the other musicians?
Kiro: Sure… Tatu, Lady Gaga
14. Do u want back in the past and may be change something there?
Kiro: No…No changes.May be just for the one day…But not with purpose to change smth, just to keep better in my memory some important moments of my life.
Strify: I always wanted to live in the past, some 1000 years ago and to have there the great experience. But to live here and now, u shouldn..t regret. U should enjoy the moment and to know the value of everything u have.
15. What is popularity for u?
Strify: Do u mean “fame” or popularity? Cause this words are too different. Fame for me means, that people know u. And popularity when people love u. They love u for everything, even if u do something wrong. But it is difficult point. I think, that absolutely popularity is not possible. When u are too popular, there will be always people, who will hate u.
16. Can u say the most common question, which u have been asked by journalists or fans?
Kiro: Let me think…May be “ Hello, how are u?”(laughing)
Strify: Yes, but it is just normal question. We should ask it to be polite.
17. In conclusion. Say something for the Russian readers of the “ All Stars”.
Strify: Stay always bizarre! And if u aren’t bizarre so join us and enjoy life!

Views: 10769 | Added by: Sunny
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