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1. First question will be about your new album. Can u tell us about it? Why it is called ‘’Toyz’’? Who plays with whom? Who plays the main role? What can u say about it. 
Strify: We have many faces. And we are showing a lot of faces on the album. U can see a very rock-side of us, u can see a very pop side of us. A soft side and a hard side. The album shows the album full of melancholy and this is our world.
2. It is very interesting for us-what about toyz in your childhood? May be u keep them till now?
Kiro: I played mostly with cars and Barbies.
Strify: I was very playfull. I think that u can play with everyt ... Read more »

Просмотров: 10768 | Дата: 29.06.2009 | Комментарии (8)

Просмотров: 768 | Дата: 29.06.2009 | Комментарии (0)

В дополнение к проданным билетам на концерты, которые с успехом прошли в Москве и Киеве, Cinema Bizarre получили от росcийской звукозаписывающей компании Universal золотой диск за продажи своего дебютного альбома "Final Attraction".

В августе выйдет в свет новый сингл "I came to party", записанный совместно со Space Cowboy и спродюсированный Redon'ом, продюсерром Lady GaGa, так же как и альбом "ToyZ", который будет выпущен в более 20 странах мира.

До осени Cinema Bizarre дадут 25 концертов в России, Украине, Австрии, Голландии, Люксембурге, Италии, Дании, а также в Германии. Осенью - зимой группа планирует сыграть во Франции, Великобритании, Испании, Западной Европе, США, Канаде и Южной Америке.
Поздравляем вас, ребята! ХD


As part of their shows could sold out lik ... Read more »
Просмотров: 740 | Дата: 29.06.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Просмотров: 653 | Дата: 29.06.2009 | Комментарии (0)


1) Pic comment: About the happiest moment in his life Kiro preferred to keep silence. 2) Pic comment: “Now I am going to play my favorite song of “BiS”

3) Pic comment: “Let’s find out, who of us knows more Russian songs?!”

4) Pic comment: About the girls of “t.a.T.u.” Kiro remembers with mysterious smile.


Every famous person has his own idol and the most favorite songs. For example, Kiro [ bass-guitarist of CB] in his interview for his OFFICIAL RUSSIAN KIRO SUPPORT [INTERNATIONAL] (ORKS) said, that the best song-reminding about his childhood is the song “All That She Wants” by Ase of Base, the best song for depression is the song “Forgiven” by sympho- metal group from Holland Within Temptation, and the happiest moment in his life (about this moment Kiro decided not to mention) is connected with the la ... Read more »

Просмотров: 663 | Дата: 29.06.2009 | Комментарии (0)

1.Je ne regrette rien
2.Dark Star
3.In your cage
4.Cut of lov
5.My (fetish obsession)
6.It's over
7.Erase and Replace
8.Tears in Vegas
9.Sad day (for happiness)
10.Hypnotized by Jane
11.Touching and Kissing ToyZ
12.Modern lover
13.Are you crying
14.Deeper and deeper
15.We are out of love

Просмотров: 730 | Дата: 29.06.2009 | Комментарии (0)

«  June 2009  »

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